19 October 2015

Is...is white genocide twitter actually a thing?

So, why am I proud to be called a SJW?

It's because of stuff like this.

To pull from the opposite pole of the space opera spectrum, Gene Roddenberry espoused IDIC...Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combination.  He saw a future where differences weren't wiped out, but embraced and appreciated for what they are.  Too much specialisation makes a people weak...but when you mix in other points of view, other ideas, other experiences, the entire group becomes stronger.

The Original Star Wars moves were, Lando Calrissian aside, about the whitest thing ever.

The Second Trilogy, which we all like to pretend didn't exist, had Mace Windu, but I'd have to watch again if they had any other humans (not aliens) that weren't white.

Now JJ Abrams is an 'activist' because he wants to embrace the diversity of humanity to cast his movies.  And this is somehow offensive to those who want to 'End Cultural Marxism'?

"Marxism is the movement founded by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels which fights for the self-emancipation of the working class, subjecting all forms of domination by the bourgeoisie, its institutions and its ideology, to theoretical and practical critique."

Well, we certainly want to subject political, social and ethnic domination to criticism.  It deserves it.  ALL things deserve critical attention...blind faith never provides solutions.  I'd rather questions without answers than answers that can't be questioned (thanks Richard Feynman...nice bongo-ing, btw...keep it up.  You're setting a good groove.)

The working class DESERVES to be freed from wage slavery.

And there are things wrong with that?

Giving rights you've always had to a disenfranchised group isn't giving them special rights...unless they're 'special' because you think only you deserve to have them.  Bringing up the least of humanity does not lessen you, it embiggens us all (it's a perfectly cromulent word).

If you're afraid of what black people, First People, Latinx or Trans people would do to you if they had all your rights and privileges...then you are so part of the problem that it's the furthest thing from funny.

The future is coming...the problem is, too many people are so afraid of a future where everyone is treated fairly that they're rejecting progress.  Meanwhile, those of us who care are branded as extremists and Social Justice Warriors because we want to drag everyone kicking and screaming into that future.  It's tiring, and frustrating, but the future's bright.  We'll probably have to wear shades.  And sunblock.

PS: I'm definitely wanting to see the Star Wars movie now...but to be fair, I wanted to anyway.

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