02 April 2018

30 years hunting crystals: my life playing Final Fantasy

While I have some times and spoons, let me do the final fantasy thread.

Let me give you a soundtrack for it, K?

When I was a pre-teen to teen, I was massively into d&d/ad&d. I am still but that's beside the point. The fact is I love fantasy role playing games, whether on tabletop or PC.

Way back when, but later than that, my family got a NES. Shocker: I spent most of my time playing Legend of Zelda.

A little later, I discovered my local video store did game rentals. This was kinda cool, and I got to try out a bunch of stuff. One of them was the original Final Fantasy. It was really unlike any game I had played to date. While a game like Zelda is called an ARPG these days, back then it was...really what I figured an RPG on a game system would be. Final Fantasy upended that with more creativity, more depth, and more variety than I expected. I mean yeah, but...consider 1987. This was the first time I got to travel to towns in a game...have defined chapters and quests...have a sense of really changing a world as I explored.

I was awestruck.

And hooked.

To the point that I considered 'losing' the game cart.

I didn't...but I was never able to find another copy anywhere to buy.

It was a bummer.

But I rented it every time I could.

(back where it all began)

A few years later, we got an SNES. And I discovered that there was a game for it called Final Fantasy III...which ended up actually being FF VI but I didn't know that at the time. I was...I had a holy mission. I was going to find a cart, I was going to buy it, and I'd never have to give it up ever. So I started searching. calling game stores. In an ever widening radius. No one had it. No one could get it either. Most people would give up.

I was not most people.

I finally found a copy. In another state. One single copy. Which they wouldn't put a hold on for me. And I had no credit card, nor would they take an order over the phone. So I made a logical choice. I got in the car and drove two plus hours for it that day. My ex spouse thought I was...acting illogically.

I didn't care.

I got my copy.

And all was right with the world. I mean...till half way through the game.

(on that day the world changed forever...)

From here on out it got so much easier to get the games.

For one, we had a Playstation.

And I was able to keep up on things.

So I soon had FF VII...which was different, but neat. and I played it some. I played it more on PC...and I have yet to beat it because...well, because I got pissed off at a particular event in the game and went 'fuck you square I hate you.'

(but I have it on pc again now and I will beat it)

FF VIII was...not my game. My ex loved it, so I watched a lot. I just never got into it, and I kinda figured...I'd moved on to things like Diablo, and the whole grimdark thing cos I was EDGY...and maybe FF was not really my cuppa anymore.

Then Final Fantasy IX came out.

And it was everything I loved about the first one and the third one (which turned out to be 6 ofc)...
I fell in love with the characters. And the setting. And the story. And I was, once again, hooked through the nose. I played hundreds of hours on it, much like the other two I keep coming back to. It was just...a wonderful escape.

Final Fantasy X did little for me...while I loved Auron and Lulu, Tidus just irritated me to the point of loathing. But X-2? Whole 'nother can of beans. OFC by this time I was mostly through figuring out and accepting things, but...the whole game was fun. And, like my post last night...Paine. You know. Wanted to be her so bad. So yeah, I played it a lot, which led to a lot of ridicule from someone because 'why do you want to play as a girl all the time?'

(come on how is it NOT obvious why?)

Also yeah.

I tried to deal, but it was tough, you know.

I had no interest at the time of playing an MMO at that time, so XI was one I kinda just ignored. I kind of regret it, but I think it's at a point where I don't think I could check it out. I never got 12, sadly...at that point things irl were turning into a real mess...and 13 was a PS3 game and at the time I just couldn't afford a console.

(and even if i could, I know the money I'd have put aside would have been taken for someone to take a 'business trip' out of state. quotes intentional)

XIV was another mmo, and by that time I was already 2 years in to playing WoW, and XV is only just out in the last year or two. So there was a decent...many years in there I was out of touch with the series, tho I read about it all the time. In the last year or two, thanks to finally biting the bullet and getting a steam account, I've started filling in the holes. I have VI again, even if the port sprites are...redone. And I have VII, and am awaiting the remake as well. The Boy got me VIII. IX was the first one I bought as soon as I got on steam, and I'm back into X-2 as if the past 15 years hadn't been a thing. Almost all the missing games...missing to me...are on my wishlist...

IV the after years
The XIII series

I planned on skipping XV for...reasons. Then this morning i discovered there was an anime made for the game, which went into character back story. I figured i owed it to myself to at least watch. Thus, an hour later, and 4 bouts of tears...I added it to the list.

So I've been playing the Final Fantasy games for well over twenty years, across 5 platforms. They introduced me to deeper CRPGs, ones closer to what I was used to on tabletop. They broke my heart dozens of times (Aerith, the midpoint of VI Vivi just to name a few). They gave me worlds I wanted to be in, characters I loved and wanted to hang with or be. They game me escape into other worlds, where I could forget my hurt for a while and just...be someone else...an avatar of who i wished to be, maybe.
And, of any game series/system/whatever, they're the ones I know I'll play until they stop making them...and then just continue to love them and replay them as long as I can.

So there.

Your potted history of Julie's life with final fantasy.

Thanks for reading.


Have some more music.


Shantih shantih shantih


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