06 February 2018

rose mcgowan and transmisia, part 2

Now, I want to offer a part two to my ranty bit.

This one touches more on things that hit me and my community.

There are a lot of things TERFs use to try and manipulate the dialogue currently.

Things like

AFAB transwoman
Tim (trans-identified male)
TERF is a slur
Appeals to science, then...
Science denial
First off, trans is an adjective.

And they know that.

They say transwoman to separate us, because they don't see us as women.

Same with TIM. it's a separatist word to try and convince people that trans women are fake, liars, rapists, monsters.

They reject the opposite of trans...cis...because it's a made up term.

Well, language is an artificial construct...all words are made up.

And cis is a latinate prefix that means on the same side as...as in, on the same side as the gender assigned at birth.

TERFs prefer 'normal' to cis, because again they see themselves as the sole arbiters of what womanhood is.

They are all about abolishing gender roles...as long as they can still separate and deny women agency.
They see trans women as men, trans men as women.

They reduce womanhood to ovaries, uteri, vaginas and the monthly cycle/ability to birth a child.

They are gender essentialists who use the oppression of the oppressors to keep others down.

They use the tools used against them.

They use the tools used against all of us.

TERF is not a slur: it is an acronym that accurately describes their politics and position. they exclude trans women from womanhood, from feminism, and they do so gleefully and with great gusto for injury.

They attack us the way they are attacked.

They rely on Mendelian squares when karotype is far more complex.

They rely on 2nd grade science even when biologists tell them otherwise.

They rely on Eurocentric gender systems even when anthropology shows hundreds of societies that have or had non binary gender recognition.

They're bigots who lovingly sidle up to the far right/alt!Reich/fundamentalists...their enemies...because both hate us with the same quasi-religious fervour.

And if you watch...they go after people they perceive as more easily hurt...

The young
The newly out

They do this to cause the most damage.

They're like gaters and doxxers (in fact, many love to dox us) trying to get the best kill count they can.
The only inaccurate thing about TERF is the f.

Because they're not feminists.

They're in it for themselves and only themselves.

They don't care about women as a whole.

They care about their privilege and fuck the rest.

To link the two threads together...

Are people like rose McGowan TERFs?


What I know is they're ignorant as fuck, disregard lived experiences that do not match their own, and set themselves as sole arbiters. And they...and TERFs...need to be drowned out by other voices speaking the truth:

Trans women are women.

And they...we...don't want special rights.

We want the same rights.

Good night and good luck, friends.

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