02 November 2015

Rainy Days and Mondays...a Threnody (Op. 9)

Mondays are, by far, the worst say of the week.  I'm certain it's been scientifically proven, and if it hasn't yet, funding needs to be allocated for it to prove it so my opening sentence has the ring of truth to it, not just subjective opinion.

Mondays are even worse when they fall the day after the clock changes, because I'm already off kilter from th time change and now I don't even know what time it is and I have to wake up for work and why does it feel like a time it isn't please help me.

Add in the fact that Julie had to voluntarily drive to see a bunch of vampires to get drained (OK, it was only one vial) and decided to get it done today so she could possibly sleep in tomorrow, and I'm waking up at 'For the love of all that is holy, what time did you set your alarm for?' o'clock, which would shock some by the fact that I did it and others because that's not early at all.

You see, Julie has a 3 word vocabulary when she wakes up in the morning...




I can't do coffee because of the caffeine.  I shouldn't do hot tea for the same reason, but you'll get my cup of Darjeeling when you pry it from my cold dead hands.

And work was a misery.  Up till the end, when I got a few computers in, and that helped a little.  But otherwise it was slow, and my boss was a jerk like he always is.  My mum is finally getting into it, though, so where it used to be just a few of my friends who'd say 'So when are you wearing a dress to work?  When are you wearing a skirt to work?' today my mum said 'You're going to give your boss a heart attack when you show up in one of your wigs.'

Maybe he needs a good heart attack, I don't know.  I mean, I already wear makeup to work (and I need to get back to that now that I'm feeling more up), so...

To top it off, the multicoloured light bulb in my floor lamp blew.  This makes Julie a really sad camper.  And the badge I mailed to a friend because her daughter really deserved it never made it there...but the envelope and letter did.  And that makes Julie a very upset Julie, and I hope I never find out who did it, because I have a spork waiting for them.

So that's Monday.


I'm looking through past essays and reviews I can post here, and trying to wonder about things I can do that might be interesting on the geeky side of the arena...like X-Files marathons, roundtable reviews with some of my friends about episodes or movies or whatever, talking about authors I dig, etc.  I know I write a lot about me and my transness and my journey, and that will always be a major part of what I write about here.  But I don't want to ignore the other things that make me me, and this is a perfect outlet for all of that.  I'll play around with things, and ideas, and other things, and see what sticks.  I'm still furnishing and getting the feng shui right, so be patient with me, ok?


I'll check my sidebar later...I think it's been a bit since I posted a story, and I've got a few new poems in the can that deserve the light of day.  So there's that tonight.

Also, a workout.  Because I have to get back to that.

And maybe early bed.  We'll see.

Haircut tomorrow, as I've finally given in and decided to not attempt the assault on the Russian front, and I am pulling my troops back to France.

And in the interim, care for everybody in the known universe, try to find time to write my own fiction, read more of a friend's novel in progress, et cetera et cetera.

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