16 October 2015

First Post - a voluntary for flugelhorn and oboe in D Minor, Op. 1

Good evening, current and future droogies.  My name is Julie, and I've finally decided to start up a blog where I can ruminate at some length about the wide and various world of things that excite and entice me.  That means, for those not in the know, that on any given day, you will potentially find any of the following here:

1) Posts about classical music.
2) Posts about astronomy, astrophysics, or other space sciences.
3) My poetry.
4) Posts about Doctor Who (in season and out).
5) Posts about Game of Thrones (mostly in season).
6) Posts about Sense8 when it starts back up.
7) Posts about fanfic in general, Whofic in specific.
8) Cosplay and similar ilk.
9) My life in the World of Azeroth (World of Warcraft).
10) Posts about social issues I find important, which include but are not limited to racial issues, the Black Lives Matter movement, First Nations issues, the Native Lives Matter movement, LGBT issues, the Trans Lives Matter movement, and countless others.
11) Posts about wolves.
12) Posts about my life and my fight with mental illness.

A little about me: I am forty-mumbles years old, I've been a Doctor Who fan since 198-mutters, spent several years working at and teaching at one of the largest public observatories in my state, I'm a 15 year survivor of cancer, and I've been diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder, Social Anxiety and General Anxiety Disorder, and Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome.  I have loved writing ever since I was little, and have won awards for college journalism, as well as had several stories highlighted and recommended by the Calufrax rating comm on LiveJournal, which is related to and associated with A Teaspoon and an Open Mind, where some of the fic is uploaded.

I'm also a massive fan of FC Bayern Munich, whom I've followed since I was in High School.

Please excuse the rough appearance here right now...I'm just moving in, and I have a lot of boxes to unpack.

Hopefully, however, there'll be treasures a plenty in them to entertain and educate.

Osda svnoi, agayvli tsunalii ale itse.

(Good night, old friends and new in Tsalagi.)

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