20 November 2015

Friday Morning 10:05 AM

I didn't write or post anything yesterday because I couldn't think of anything of significance to contribute.  Getting out of work at 7:15 and getting home at 8 PM didn't help; I didn't get in any exercise because that'd push me to 9 PM, and as I've been trying to listen to my doctors and get more sleep, it'd essentially be a wasted day.

So here I am.  It's Friday morning.  I'm at work.  And I'm still not sure what to write.

I spent part of the day yesterday looking for sun lamps to try and stave off the creeping seasonal stuff I'm feeling.  It seems like it gets stronger every year, and I'm not sure with everything else going on how much I can bear it this year.

Today is my weekly trip to the FLCBS, where I have at least

Ms. Marvel 1
Rat Queens 13

Possibly more, and I need to ask if they can get the Lady Mechanika graphic novel for me.

I also have to stop at the rare book store for my mum to pick up a clean copy of the biography written about her great great (my great x 3) grandfather.  This is a story for another time.

And here I am once more...

If it's quiet I'll try to write.  If not I'll deal with what comes.

All while feeling Seasonal Affective Disorder'c clutches tightening...

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