11 November 2015

On being skeeved out (Op. 13)

I didn't write about this yesterday because I was still trying to parse what happened.

I'm really not done parsing this, and wondering if this was something to skeeve over or not.

But I'm writing about it, so there must be something there.

Yesterday I had therapy.  I go once a week, and generally it's helpful.  Like a good girl, I got there early, and I really need to start bringing my own reading material, because reading pregnancy magazines just depresses the hell out of me.

Now, I don't pass.  I get that.  I'm ancient, and I understand this, and as long as I think I look good, I'm OK.  99.9% of people don't say anything, or are at least considerate enough to wait till I'm out of earshot to say anything.  I'm thankful for that.

So I'm sitting in the waiting room.  And there's this guy there.  And as soon as I sat down, he stopped the conversation he was having and started looking at me.  Like really looking at me, with this little smile on his face, and while I tried not to pay attention, I could feel it, and it was...unnerving.  I was glad to get called in to the back for my session.

When I got out, he was still there.

And as soon as I walked back into the waiting room, he turned and started in on me again.


Weird little smile.


I pick up my pace and walk out...and out of the corner of my eye I see him follow me.

I walk across the parking lot to my car, and get in, and he's standing at the edge of the side walk, just staring.

And I know, therapists office, I shouldn't judge, I really shouldn't, probably has his own issues to deal with...but I couldn't help but feel really uncomfortable with the situation.

I'm not a small woman...though I am smaller than I was a year ago by over 25% (big yay, everyone), though still on a five foot eleven frame (Julie.  Is.  Tall.  Even taller in heels.).  If he did anything, I could have held my own.  But if I feel unnerved over this...

And it's only the beginning.


  1. i realize this story is not finished.. non- confrontational, could have mentioned it to the therapist...(still can) especially with it bothering you. (as a small woman, 5'4" 1000lbs fully dressed and soaking wet) i know how it feels to be made uncomfortable)

    1. I am non-confrontational by nature (in real life, at least), mostly because in real life I haven't had much need to be otherwise. I've never experienced anything like this before, so I really had no idea what to do, other than get in my car, lock the doors, and get gone. The fortunate thing is that it's a very open area. I just...need to be aware.
